I love board games! As an only child I didn't get to play often, but now that I have three tadpoles this is going to be a tradition in our family. So tonight Friday Funday is Board game night. We are going to make home style popcorn. NOT THAT MICROWAVE Stuff. Below is a video from youtube that I used for popping instructions:
Since I have tadpoles from 2 to 9 we will play a variety of games. Starting with a Barrell of Monkeys for Tadpole # 3.
Next we will play Hulk Operation which is Tadpole #2's choice.
Monopoly Jr. is the last game we will play if the time permits. Tadpole #1 loves the regular version of Monopoly but the other Tadpoles don't have the attention span. So this is a great compromise for everyone. Well gotta run, the boys are waiting and the pop corn in popping! Have a great Friday.
I am the only female in a household of males. I was lucky to find my Frog 15 years ago and we had our first tadpole in 2000, the next in 2003 and then the surprise tadpole in 2006. So I deserve to be a Princess. I currently work as a Management Consultant, but my life long goal is to raise 3 boys to be respectable young men and great future husbands. Pray for me! Seriously though, the tadpoles are my legacy, so when I leave this world I want to be remembered for having raised my tadpoles right!
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